Water filter, Photosynthesis Ingenhouz experiment, Creativity practicum, Anaerobic respiration, Cigarette smoke testAbstract
Lentera Harapan School (SLH) Gunung Moria is located at Jalan Boulevard M.H. Thamrin No. 11 00, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten. The number of students at SLH Gunung Moria is 152 people, consisting of junior high and high school students who are children from the interior of Papua. Based on the problems found, the partners need to improve skills in carrying out simple practical activities without using laboratory equipment. Community Service (PkM) activities are carried out to provide scientific education to SLH Gunung Moria students about creative practical work on developing natural laboratory equipment in the surrounding area. The methods used are lectures and demonstrations. PkM activities are carried out in three stages, namely preparation of tools and materials, implementation, and evaluation. Demonstration of simple practical work that is arranged without using laboratory equipment, namely practical work: (1) cigarette smoke test, (2) Ingenhousz photosynthesis experiment, (3) anaerobic respiration, and (4) water filter. The results of this PkM show a positive impact in the implementation of simple practical work at SLH Gunung Moria. At the end of the demonstration, students were given the opportunity to try practicing the practicum so as to improve their skills and understanding of scientific practicums using simple tools. It is hoped that this education will increase the creativity of SLH Gunung Moria students to carry out simple practicums by exploring natural resources in Papua without using laboratory equipment that may not be available in their area.
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