


knowledge management system, disaster management, Indonesia, web-based technology


Disaster management in Indonesia faces complex challenges due to the high risks of various natural disasters. In this context, a web-based knowledge management system (KMS) has been identified as a potential solution to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of information management during emergencies. This research presents a systematic literature review aiming to evaluate the implementation of web-based KMS in disaster management in Indonesia. Through careful analysis of several related studies and reports, this research identifies trends, challenges, and best practices in the implementation of web-based KMS. The analysis results indicate that web-based KMS has significant potential for facilitating real-time information collection, storage, and distribution, which are crucial in disaster emergency situations. However, challenges such as uneven technological infrastructure, a lack of trained human resources, and inadequate policy support hinder effective implementation. Proposed strategic recommendations include strengthening technological infrastructure, providing continuous training for KMS users, and enhancing cross-sector collaboration. Strong policy support from the government is also deemed essential to encourage widespread adoption and use of KMS.


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How to Cite

Wardhana, A. W. P., Sugihartati, R., Laksmi, L., & Irawati, I. (2024). ANALISIS LITERATUR IMPLEMENTASI WEB-BASED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DALAM MANAJEMEN BENCANA DI INDONESIA. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 11(2), 2160–2168.



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