psychoeducation, work-life balance, problem-based learningAbstract
Every change faced by the organization has an impact on business processes and all employees. The ability to adjust to these changes can be time-consuming and encourages employees to be able to divide work and personal life responsibilities. One concept that can explain this phenomenon is work-life balance. Work-life balance is how to create and maintain a healthy and supportive work environment, which will make employees have a balance between work and personal responsibilities. This research aims to provide education and promotional efforts to employees to be able to increase knowledge about work-life balance and efforts to create a balanced life between work and personal life. This study uses a psychoeducational program to increase knowledge of the importance of work-life balance and efforts to apply it with a problem-based learning approach. Psychoeducation was carried out through webinars which were attended by 50 participants. Data collection techniques using convenience sampling, and data analysis using the t test. The results showed that overall the implementation of psychoeducation was given a value of 80.14% where this score reflects the participants' positive appreciation of the implementation of psychoeducation. Then the results of the pre-test and post-test statistics showed that there were differences before and after being given psychoeducation (p-value 0.00 <0.05), the differences indicated an increase in participants' knowledge regarding psychoeducational material regarding work-life balance. Work-life balance is one of the phenomena that encourage individuals to be able to understand their condition actively, so that psychoeducation with a problem-based learning approach is effective in involving participants in solving problems and having the skills to be able to solve problems. Online psychoeducation using a problem-based learning approach has proven to be effective in increasing participants' knowledge about the importance of work-life balance and efforts to implement it.
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