
  • Katri Widayani Program Studi Manajemen Institut Teknologi Indonesia
  • Mutiara eka Puspita Program Studi Manajemen Institut Teknologi Indonesia
  • Edward Sahat Tampubolon Program Studi Manajemen Institut Teknologi Indonesia
  • Nunie Nurida Program Studi Manajemen Institut Teknologi Indonesia



Cultivation Training, Pontianak Aloe Vera, African Aloe Vera, Community Empowerment


The aloe vera plant in Pontianak and Africa is one of the plants that has economic value and production advantages. This plant weighs about 0.8 – 1.2 kilograms per frond and can be harvested every month from 10 -12 months after planting until the planting period is five years. The harvest quality of each frond is mostly classified as quality A, without defects and resistant to leaf pest attacks. Therefore, counseling was held to cultivate aloe vera for Women Farmer Groups (KWT) and Youth Youth Organizations in Paku Jaya Serpong Utara sub-district. The people here do not know how to cultivate aloe vera even though they have unproductive land that can have economic value if managed. The service method is carried out using a participatory rural appraisal (PRA) model approach, community development, persuasive and educative with the stages of activities in the form of initial socialization, giving seeds, training on aloe vera cultivation procedures, to training on aloe vera harvesting procedures. After the service was carried out, the Women Farmers Group (KWT) and Karang Taruna Youth now have the skills of cultivating aloe vera and the knowledge of optimizing the seeds given to be used as seedlings again. With these skills, unproductive land in the Paku Jaya sub-district can be utilized. In the future, after aloe vera can be harvested, the community service team will continue counseling regarding the manufacture of derivative products made from aloe vera.


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How to Cite

Widayani, K., Puspita, M. eka, Tampubolon, E. S. ., & Nurida, N. (2022). TRAINING OF ALOE VERA CULTIVATION IN PAKU JAYA VILLAGE, SERPONG UTARA. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 9(1), 134–139.



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