
  • Maishifa Avis Verdiana S1 Ekonomi Syariah Universitas Alma Ata
  • Dyah Laily Miftakul Janah S1 Pendidikan Agama Islam Universitas Alma Ata
  • Silvia Veronicha S1 Farmasi Universitas Alma Ata
  • Hastrin Hositanisita S1 Gizi Universitas Alma Ata
  • Febrian Wahyu Wibowo S1 Ekonomi Syariah Universitas Alma Ata




Literacy, Sharia Finance, Entrepreneurship, Education


International Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN-T) activities in Malaysia aim to optimize sharia financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills, character education and healthy lifestyles in Indonesian children. The implementation process involved selecting research subjects from children registered at Sanggar Guidance SIKL (Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur). Observation and qualitative analysis methods are used to evaluate community involvement and the impact of the programs implemented. The main results show an increase in children's understanding of Islamic finance concepts and entrepreneurial skills, with statistically significant effect sizes in the subject groups involved. These findings underline that a multidisciplinary approach in community activities can have a substantial positive impact on developing children's competencies, as well as building awareness of the importance of sharia financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills, character education and healthy lifestyles. The conclusion of this research emphasizes that active community involvement, supported by the collaboration of various parties, is able to create sustainable results for the development of Indonesian children in Malaysia, as well as instill character values ​​that are essential for their future.


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How to Cite

Verdiana, M. A., Janah, D. L. M., Veronicha, S., Hositanisita , H., & Wibowo , F. W. (2025). OPTIMALISASI PEMERATAAN PENDIDIKAN NON-FORMAL DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN PADA ANAK PMI DI MALAYSIA MELALUI PENDEKATAN MULTIDISIPLIN. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 12(1), 157–168. https://doi.org/10.29303/abdiinsani.v12i1.2156



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