
  • Made Ayudina Sancitami Prakasa Program Studi Kajian Ilmu Kepolisian, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Airlangga
  • Taufik Rachman Program Studi Kajian Ilmu Kepolisian, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Airlangga




Crime, Burglary, Theft, Society, Police


People who lack skills, low education and economic conditions have a tendency to get money in any way, one of which is committing the crime of theft. Surabaya is one of the cities whose community activities never stop so that it can trigger acts of theft by criminals. The rise of incidents of theft with violence at this time has become a concern for the police to maintain order and public comfort. Theft accompanied by violence is regulated in Article 365 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of violent theft and invite the public to actively participate in preventing and eradicating all modes of theft. The results are expected to be useful for making appropriate policies in suppressing violent theft. This research consists of 2 stages, the first stage is a descriptive study with a qualitative method by analyzing primary data from the Surabaya Police Criminal Investigation Unit. The second stage is the formulation of a solution as a police management effort in handling criminal acts of crime with the mode of forcible confiscation. The result is that this modus operandi of confiscation has become a "favorite" for criminals because it is considered faster and easier. The threat mode and fast movement make the victim unaware of the theft event, making it easier for the perpetrator to immediately escape. Countermeasures by Polrestabes Surabaya through preventive and repressive measures. The conclusion is that the police management invites the community to take part in protecting and securing themselves and their environment.


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How to Cite

Prakasa, M. A. S., & Rachman, T. . (2022). POLICE MANAGEMENT EFFORT IN HANDLING CRIMINAL ACTIONS WITH FORCED LOSS MODE. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 9(2), 697–705. https://doi.org/10.29303/abdiinsani.v9i2.587



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